When the Dust Settles Read online
‘Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.’
John Wayne.
It was this mindset combined with a loving and supportive family and my amazing wife, Sarah, that helped ease the realisation that I would never move my body again.
Title Page
1. Gyro
2. Dinki Di
3. Pineapple
4. Cold Arrival
5. A Father’s Son
6. Slow Redemption
7. First Bull Ride
8. Day in the Sun
9. Sticks and Stones
10. Free Fall
11. Screwed Face
12. Bed and Beyond
13. Farewell Tour
14. First Words
15. New Throne
16. Rough Ride
17. Road Home
18. Sunrise
19. Nuffield Challenge
20. Tanami Walk
Picture Section
About the Author
I’m swooping just metres above the ground. The bullock gives up the fight as it darts back towards the main mob. I pull back hard on the stick as I feel the hundred-horsepower engine roar behind me. The sound brings with it only momentary relief, as the ground rushes even faster beneath my feet. I watch the gauge tick over to fifty knots. Then sixty, seventy, seventy-five, but still there is no lift. There’s a shudder as I suddenly feel the back wheels hit the ground and spin madly along the open grazing country, peppered with scrub and small trees.
It’s OK, I think to myself. I just need to get some air under these blades. No need to panic.
Then there is relief, as the machine begins to lift centimetres from the ground. I had been in pickles like this before, but little did I know there was no escaping this one. A massive ant bed rises out of the landscape before me and slams into the front wheel. The huge impact mickey-flips the gyrocopter back into the sky, with the 7.5 metres of spinning blades then taking the rest of the hundred-kilogram machine on a ride of its own, cartwheeling along the ground. I am in there somewhere, helplessly strapped to the small seat, spinning around, hoping not to be struck by the shrapnel hurtling in all directions. Finally, I feel the seat underneath me slam into the ground, my helmet hitting the dirt. But the engine keeps running like a lawnmower on its side trying to weave its way across the paddock. I hold my breath as the visor fills with dirt and grass. There, through the dust and carnage, is an image of St Christopher, waiting to take me away from this hell.
‘This must be it,’ I say to myself.
I had done enough flying to know that this crash, which took place in 2007, was my fault. In the 1970s my grandfather, Bob Savage, brought the first aeroplane to Suplejack Downs Station to help with mustering the vast open plains of this part of the Northern Territory. During the thirty years since, aerial mustering became more and more popular on large cattle stations around Australia. Worker shortages and an increased use of motorbikes led many to adopt new mustering strategies, with the hard work being done by helicopters or planes. The pilots cover the many kilometres from the watering points out to where the cattle are grazing, and the dispersed stock are then moved into one main mob headed towards the yards. Ringers on horses and motorbikes then follow along with the stock, surrounding the herd from the lead to the tail to keep them at a steady walking pace. Although my grandfather eventually sold his plane, he continued to hire helicopters to help during the mustering season in the years that followed. The huge outlay in purchasing a helicopter and the high running costs make it prohibitive for most family-owned stations to operate their own machine. But this did not stop me dreaming of the prospect and even attempting the theory course for a commercial helicopter licence in the hope of one day owning my own.
The idea of buying a gyrocopter (also called an autogyro) as an alternative to a helicopter first came to mind in 2006, while I was awaiting the birth of my first son, Braxton. I was helping Gary Dann muster cattle on Amburla Station near Alice Springs, when local cattleman Neil Bowman flew in with his gyro. While I had seen photos before, this was the first time I had observed one in person. I was amazed at just how versatile the aircraft was, considering it looked like a motor had been tied to a pushbike with a set of rotor blades expanding out overhead. It looked unsafe and dangerous for the pilot, who sat exposed on a small seat, out in the open air. While I was initially taken aback by the simplicity, I was soon looking into its potential as a mustering machine.
Of course, being in the air, off the ground and out of the timber, makes the job of finding cattle so much easier, without having to worry about negotiating creeks and gullies on a horse or motorbike. A gyrocopter, unlike a helicopter, uses an unpowered overhead rotor and relies on thrust from an engine-powered propeller at the rear. The main rotor must have air pushing through the blades to keep it spinning; this will eventually create lift. It made sense to me, and while I didn’t need much more convincing, I started researching gyrocopters. And that led me to another Territory cattleman, David ‘Birdy’ Bird from Indiana Station, who was known as a gyro guru. Operating on just ten litres of fuel an hour, the gyro was certainly economical, and David would not only use his aircraft for mustering but also for checking roads, fences, flood gates and bores. However, even with those frugal running costs, $42,000 was a big outlay for my young family. Only after many a long conversation was it decided that I would travel to Broken Hill in far western New South Wales with my wife, Sarah, and toddler Braxton, to buy my first gyro. Aviation engineer Ross Symes owned a workshop there, and was known for designing and building the best frames for mustering. I was to stay there for the next month to build my new toy, while also working off some of the huge debt.
It was like piecing together a Meccano set, except for the fact that every part of the gyrocopter, including the washers and bushes, tail rudder and control panel, was painstakingly handcrafted in Ross’s workshop. Even the joystick was built out of fibreglass and aluminium by hand. To the frame we mounted the Rotax 912 ULS engine with a three-blade prop intact. Next came the horizontal stabiliser, tail rudder and control panel. The job was finished with the attachment of the fuel tank/seat and main rotor blades. Once the final wiring was completed and I had helped Ross manufacture some other aviation parts in his work shed, I began spending time in the South Australian town of Lameroo with pilot and trainer Kevin Traeger. During the training we were using a tandem gyro with dual controls. With someone like Kevin in the seat next to me, my confidence soared; the problem, however, was that I often couldn’t tell when he’d switched the controls over to me. Sometimes I would think I was in control, when in fact it was Kevin making the seamless turn in the sky. Still, Kevin was a great teacher and after a few days I thought I had all the skills to take on the flying world – until, that is, my first solo flight back at Broken Hill.
I was raring to fly my brand-new gyro. We wheeled out the machine onto the rough, cobblestone airstrip in the middle of nowhere, with only spinifex and nothing much else surrounding us. I reached up and grabbed one of the main rotor blades and pushed it hard to start the spin. Jumping into the seat, I did up the clasp of the buckle, and started the motor. As it roared into life, I could feel the power at my fingertips when I grabbed hold of the joystick. The wheels started to turn below me, bumping along the airstrip. As I opened up the throttle, the blades above me started turning faster and faster, rocketing me forward down the runway. I could feel the nose and front wheel coming up off the ground and I quickly reacted by altering the pitch of the blades with the collective lever, and pushed for more power
. Slowly I pulled back on the stick, effectively pulling the rotor blades back, and allowing me to take off. I’ve ridden plenty of wild bulls and horses, but I have never been so scared as when I first felt myself being flung up from the earth on that day. A sickly feeling swept through my stomach. It was like being on an extreme ride at the show, only with me in control of how it moved. I knew if I made the wrong move, I would crash for sure. There was no trainer sitting beside me now to take over should something go wrong. But I got a grip on myself, and attempted to steady my breathing.
So far, so good, I thought to myself.
The plan was for me to fly around the airfield for a few minutes and then come back in for landing. It was simple really. The first part of the maiden flight had gone very well, the takeoff and the control in the sky, and I just needed to land, but that’s when I really found myself in trouble.
Ross was on the ground giving me instructions via the two-way radio.
‘Righto Rob, line the airstrip up and take it back to thirty-five knots and ease it down onto the runway. As you get close to the ground, flare it out and power off,’ came his calm guidance.
‘OK, sounds straightforward,’ I replied, happy to have someone looking over my flight.
As I approached the airstrip, my gauge read thirty-five knots – or sixty-five kilometres per hour – but it felt like I was doing more like a hundred knots. I was covering some serious country, too fast to land. I packed on the power again and aborted the landing, returning to the familiar comfort of circling the airfield.
‘Hey Rob, you need to drop back the speed to thirty-five knots on landing,’ came the advice from Ross.
‘Yes, that’s what I was doing but it seems too quick,’ I said, wanting to sound confident.
‘You need to pull it back to the right speed,’ he said.
At this stage I was starting to panic. If it hadn’t been for the constant wind in my face, sweat would have been pouring off me. I took the gyro through two more aborted landings and both times my speed wouldn’t allow me to land. It quickly became obvious there was something wrong with the air speed indicator; it was reading the wrong speed. For an inexperienced pilot like me, that was a big problem. I had to start ignoring my air instruments because they were telling lies.
How am I going to get out of this one? I questioned myself.
Fortunately, after about twenty minutes circling the airfield and getting a feel for the correct speed, I eventually managed to land without incident. It was little comfort to poor Ross who had been standing on the ground pulling his hair out for the duration of my flight.
‘Shit,’ he cursed, ‘you’re far from ready to fly solo. Get back to Lameroo for more training.’ Advice I was more than happy to comply with. We later discovered a spider had built its web in the little pipe poking out the front of the control panel that registers the air speed on the indicator gauge as air blows into it.
It just so happened during my training stint with Kevin that the Australian Sports Rotorcraft Association was holding the national championship competition at Lameroo. Although I had only flown three hours solo and was still a little shaken by my recent experience in Broken Hill, I decided to get involved in the various events on that weekend. Still, to this day I wonder how I ended up winning three of the eight or so competitions, including the estimated takeoff distance section. Competitors were asked to predict a point in the airstrip where lift would occur during takeoff, having taken into account runway condition, local temperature, wind direction and speed. The pilot who gets lift-off closest to the line, without breaking the line, wins the event.
I even took out the Australian Rookie Pilot trophy, which was followed by some heated discussions about whether I even qualified to fly in the broader competition, given my inexperience. But the judges said, ‘If he’s good enough to win an event, then he’s good enough to participate.’
So there I was, with just three hours of solo flying experience under my belt, on my way back to the Territory with a bag of trophies.
My intention was to pack up the gyro and drive it home to Suplejack, but I was easily dissuaded by Birdy, who suggested I fly it instead.
‘These things are meant to fly, not to sit on the back of a ute,’ he said.
He didn’t have to talk me into it any further. So Birdy flew down with what he calls his ‘little fat pig’, a two-seater gyrocopter, and we began the amazing five-day journey home from Lameroo. When we flew over the Flinders Ranges, a large updraught blew us up into the air on one side, then we had to dodge the spinning wind turbines at the top, only to be sucked downwards by a natural sink on the other side of the mountains. It was interesting flying for an amateur like me. Averaging fifty to fifty-five knots, we touched down for the first night at Peterborough in South Australia’s mid-north, and flew on the second day to Williams Creek, landing on the road in front of the fuel station. The expressions on the faces of the Chinese tourists were priceless. As we continued our journey north, the country was so majestic I only wished the rest of my family could have shared the experience. Earlier, we had flown around the edge of waterless Lake Eyre, with clay pans and surface salt stretching for hundreds of kilometres. I was used to living in a desert but this really was desolate country. A feeling of insignificance hit me, flying in this tiny machine through the centre of Australia, a beautiful and massive continent. The sense of freedom was overwhelming. Of course, if you crashed out there, there was a good chance no one would ever find you. That may have also been on my mind.
After taking in more of the magnificent landscape below us, we landed at David and Liz Bird’s home, Indiana Station, north-east of Alice Springs. Four days of flying in a constant wind was like being strapped to the front of a jet; your neck gets tired and even when you hop out, it still feels like you’re flying. It was a relief to take a much-needed few days’ rest at Birdy’s place before continuing onwards solo for Suplejack. I first headed for the Bond Springs Airport near Alice Springs, and then followed the Tanami Track north-west to Tilmouth Well Roadhouse. Sarah followed me home in the ute, carrying jerry cans of fuel for me to fill up when I needed to. Finally we arrived at Suplejack, Australia’s most remote cattle station, having flown more than 2000 kilometres in what was really just a chair attached to some thrashing rotor blades. While it was tough going for the most part, this wouldn’t be the last time I crossed the Tanami Desert solo, strapped to a similar type of chair. But next time it would be a lot harder.
As the dust continued to settle at the crash site, I took a breath and realised I wasn’t dead. I half expected to stand up, step aside and still see myself lying there on the ground like some hallucination or final reflection before dying. My aunt, Marie Cook, who has always been a great supporter of mine and knew I had begun flying, had previously sent me a key chain with an icon of St Christopher, the patron saint of travellers. There in the dirt, not far from my hand was this key chain. I smiled, momentarily putting the seriousness of the crash out of my mind. But the noise and vibration from the engine quickly brought me back to reality. I could feel the seat belt strapped tightly around my waist and my helmet was still firmly stuck on my skull.
Good signs, I thought to myself.
My leg was bent back under the motor and my right hand was still clasping the control joystick, a 1.5-millimetre-thick aluminium shaft that had been completely ripped from the mangled wreck. Reaching down with my left hand I managed to turn the key, killing the motor and leaving an eerie silence. As I wedged the machine sideways to get it off my leg, I began to think if I wasn’t dead, then I must have broken a lot of bones. I knew by the state of the gyro that something on my body had to have given. But as I crawled out of that wreckage, and slowly stood on my feet, I became more concerned with what I couldn’t find wrong with me. Turning my head side to side, there was only a slight pain, one of my ankles was sore and a little bit of blood was oozing from my right knuckle, but that was it. There wasn’t much left of my flying gear, however, with my pants
ripped down both legs from the fly to the ankles. I took off my helmet and bent down to pick up St Christopher to put him in my pocket. You saved me this time, I thought.
I wanted to cry when I stood back and started to comprehend the damage I had done to my family’s prized possession. We had put so much time, effort and money into this gyrocopter, and here it was scattered all over the bullock paddock. As my emotions built up, I realised this wasn’t the time to have a closer inspection of the carnage. The sun was hot, the paddock was bare except for a few small trees, and the stench of fresh cow pads filled the air. I had to tell someone what had happened because no one knew where I was.
It was the day of my brother Cam’s joint twenty-first birthday with his girlfriend Leza Vallis and also my youngest sister Loretta’s eighteenth birthday. Members of the extended family and friends had made the trip to the station for the occasion. As usual there was always plenty of work to do, so Cam, my other brother Brad and young blokes were helping me muster the bullock paddock. Luckily, only minutes before the crash, I had used the two-way radio to tell the boys to wait on a baldy hill about four kilometres away. So, knowing where they would be, and after testing out my sore ankle, I began to jog in their direction along the fence line. Sweating out 3.5 kilometres, I began whistling to their shadowy figures lurking on the hillside; in response, I heard the familiar motorbike noise powering towards me. As they got closer they knew something was wrong. ‘You left in the gyro, and you come back on foot,’ said Cam, pointing out the obvious.
‘Yeah, I parked it up in the corner,’ I responded drily. But their smiles showed that they weren’t to be fooled.
‘You didn’t just park it, you crashed it, didn’t you?’ declared Brad.
‘Yes, I did,’ I finally agreed. ‘But don’t announce it on the two-way because I don’t want Sarah to worry.’
So I grabbed the hand-held radio from Cam and called for my father, Bill, to ask where he was.
‘I’m waiting for you at the yards, where are you with the cattle?’ came the crackled response.